Rock Your Business
Rock Your Business
VIP Experience with Jessica Miller
Business Growth + Concert = SIGN ME UP!
A high-touch, 1:1 business growth package
 for established entrepreneurs who want to work less and
make more money while scaling their business. AND have a whole lot of fun while doing it while rocking out at your favorite concert.
Rock Your Business
VIP Experience with Jessica Miller
Business Growth + Concert = SIGN ME UP!
A high-touch,
1:1 business growth day
 for established entrepreneurs who want to work less and
make more money while growing their business...

AND have a whole lot of fun doing it while rocking out at your favorite concert.
Wish you could make
more money in your business …
with less effort?

Friend, we’re speaking the same language!
With a simplified and strategic growth strategy, you can increase your revenue without adding more clients, headaches, or burnout to your life. 

If you’re tired of “coach hopping” and want ONE trusted, strategic partner who knows your business inside and out, then you’re in the right place.

I’ll look at your business with an eagle eye to identify the gaps in your business and the most lucrative opportunities you might be missing, so you can increase your revenue – without increasing your effort. 
How It Works
JUMP on a quick call to talk about your business
SCHEDULE ONE OF THE EXCLUSIVE TOUR DATES, complete with a concert to your favorite band!
SHOW UP and ROCK your way into a VIP day loaded with growth opportunities, lux gifts, and a night of your favorite tunes!
  How It Works:  
JUMP on a quick call to chat about your business and ....
SCHEDULE ONE OF THE EXCLUSIVE TOUR DATES, complete with a concert to your favorite band!
SHOW UP and ROCK your way into a VIP day loaded with growth opportunities, lux gifts, and a night of your favorite tunes!
Contrary to popular belief, you CAN have fun AND grow your fact, it's a requirement!
Let me know if you're nodding along...
You’re an established business owner with a proven offer that’s served you well … until now.

Because while your sales are decent, you keep coming up against the same stubborn income cap month after month. Try as you might (and you’ve tried EVERYTHING), you just can’t seem to bust through your sales plateau. 

This has you scratching your head because...
You’re working harder than ever before.

Late nights on your laptop, weekends catching up on emails, middle-of-the-night brainstorming sessions that should be REM sessions  … this is your burn-out life right now. Your business is your baby, but Mama needs a break! 


Your team is just as committed as you are. 

You know you can’t do everything on your own, so (like the savvy CEO you are) you’ve hired brilliant people to support your business. It’s an all-hands-on-deck approach that you hoped would skyrocket your revenue.  

You’re pitching new clients like it’s an Olympic sport. 

You’re pouring your heart, soul, and crazy hours into custom offers and proposals for coveted clients. Sure, the process is tedious and you don’t always land a “Yes,” but it’s the only way to attract new business … right??? 

The painful kicker is …

All this EFFORT and all this TIME
aren’t leading to more sales. OR more fun!
In some cases, you’re even LOSING sales.

(Talk about a punch to the gut!)

Naturally, this makes you feel completely  …

⇨ Confused – Should you change your offers? ADD more offers? Lower your prices to attract more clients? Where’s the Magic 8 Ball when you need it?!

⇨ Behind – You’re starting to feel like everyone else has it all figured out, except for you. You’re not a newbie at business … so why does it sometimes feel like you’re still grasping at straws?

⇨ Uninspired – You know something’s missing with your offers, but you’re stumped on WHAT that is. And the longer you live in the Land of Confusion, the more you lose that lovin’ feeling for your business. 
(Confession: You want to be fired up about your business, but sometimes the spark just isn’t there.) 
You’re just gonna come out and say it …

What you really want is MORE sales
with LESS effort. 

Is that too much to ask?

And no, you don’t expect to 20x your income while sipping bellinis on the beach.
You know you’ll still need to put in the work. 

But there’s gotta be a better way to make the money you want –
without feeling like you’re
working five full-time jobs. 

Wondering if you're in the right place?
This is for you if:
You’re an established business owner with an offer that’s already selling – it’s just not selling as well as you’d like.
You feel like no matter what you try (and you’ve tried ALL the things), you can’t seem to reach that next income level.
You want hands-on, one-to-one support from a strategic partner who knows your business as well as you do.
You LOVE concerts and exploring new areas. Friday FUNdays are your jam!!
You should pass on this if:
You’re not financially ready to invest in a strategic growth partner.
You’d rather DIY your business journey and figure things out on your own.
You’re happy with your current income level, thanks very much!
You don’t enjoy concerts and explorative experiences.
Imagine the sense of relief you’ll experience knowing you have looked at your business from all angles and have a plan to focus on your best area of growth immediately!

This is a day that major breakthroughs
are built on!
What's Included?
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  • A full day (6 hours) dedicated exclusively to you and your business at a luxurious venue, lunch, snacks and a few fun surprises included 

  • Luxe overnight accommodations and dinner on the night of the concert!

  • A in-depth review of your business, analytics, marketing, offers, etc. to identify where your best opportunities for growth are AND how you can fill them! 

  • A 90-day blueprint outlining a plan for your sales, marketing, and revenue generation to bring everything you’ve learned during this day to fruition 

  • Mindset mastery to get you through the challenging moments/days and keep you moving forward in your CEO energy 

  • Access to tools and resources that would support your specific situation and hitting your goals 

  • A 60-minute check in call 4 weeks later to keep you on track and to fine tune 

  • Support via email/Voxer in between your VIP day and our check-in call at 4 weeks 

  • A victory dance at the end of the day to celebrate all you have accomplished!

AND...a concert ticket and overnight stay
so you can rock the night away!
Can't wait to make your dreams a reality!
Let's do this!

Starting at $5000*
(payment plans available upon request)
*flights and transfers not included
"I made $25,900 in this launch. The most I made ever in a launch. Holy moly! Thank you so much for your help!
I am thrilled!"


Meet Your Guide

Jessica Miller is a Sales and Growth Strategist that helps ambitious entrepreneurs streamline and grow their businesses by optimizing their offers to be a “Hell Yes!” so that sell themselves and finding the gaps in their businesses that can be turned into golden opportunities to produce more sustainable income, repeatable assets, and more time and freedom without working harder.

After working with dozens of business owners she has seen that the difference between struggling and thriving is having a Hell Yes Offer at the center of the business. Jessica has spoken at The StoryBrand Made Simple Summit, The Maine Women's Conference, and several others, and is a favorite guest expert in private high-level masterminds and has been a guest on much-loved podcasts like Susan Hyatt’s Rich Coach Club, and The Next On Scene podcast.

I sold 2 coaching packages today totaling $11,250!
August is looking
like a good month!"

Yes, I'm ready!
If you have made it this far, you are meant to take your business to the next level!

If you’re looking for a sign, this is it.
No more playing small, coming up against the same stubborn income caps,
or feeling like running a business is running YOU.

(Burnout is highly overrated). 

From this point on, it’s all about making more sales and
having more impact, with less effort. 
